
Hard to say goodbye

时尚kwi2024-09-24 22:33:37A+A-
Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

The Spring Festival holidays are coming to an end. Young people who work in big cities and returned home for family reunions have to say goodbye to their parents. A young woman surnamed Yang from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province is one of them. But before going back to work, Yang restocked her parents' fridge with vegetables and fruits, including cherries which her mom finds too expensive to buy. She also made dumplings with three different ingredients and put every 15 in one bag. This is a common sight in China because family has a special significance among Chinese people. Their focus on loyalty and filial piety places family in high regard. That's why Chinese people are determined to return home for Spring Festival, by whatever means. Now that the adjusted COVID-19 policy has made mobility easier, going back home is once again the best way to show love.
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