
Pay to Play

探索b2024-09-24 20:33:38A+A-
Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Nankai University in North China's Tianjin recently gained attention online for its reward to students who actively participated in physical activities in 2021. According to the school, the student who made the most reservations for a badminton court did so 229 times throughout the year. Badminton is likely the most popular sport in Nankai University with the top three reserving the field more than 200 times each. The university awarded the top 10 students on the list of reservations for using badminton stadium and natatorium with a specially designed coupon for 20 reservations. Those who made reservations for basketball and volleyball will also be awarded similar coupons. With the development of internet technology, more young people prefer to enjoy TV series, movies and video games. Some have developed a bad daily routine that harms their health. The school said such rewards mean to encourage more students to take part in sports and do physical exercises. It is hoped such measures will bring more students to engage in sports that benefit their health.
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