
PLA to conduct live

热点s2024-09-24 22:30:36A+A-
Photo: CFP

Photo: CFP

According to its annual training plan, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is set to conduct live-fire drills on the Chinese side of the China-Myanmar border from Tuesday to Thursday, according to a notice released by the government of Yunnan Province on Monday.

The drills cover regions of surrounding areas of Huyu and Wanding of Ruili city, Mengdui in Zhenkang township, and Mengding of Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County. 

The provincial government issued a reminder that vehicles and personnel entering these areas should abide by traffic control rules, according to the release. 

Early on Monday, the PLA Southern Theater Command said in a statement that it organized army troops to conduct armed patrols and joint air-ground patrols at the border frontlines in Ruili, Zhenkang, and other areas. 

The purpose was to test the rapid mobility, three-dimensional control, and joint strike capabilities of the theater troops, as well as to maintain security and stability in the border regions, the statement said.

The drills would also fully demonstrate the PLA's resolution and capability in safeguarding national sovereignty, border security and safety of people's lives and property, analysts said, addressing the complex situation in northern Myanmar.

A Beijing-based military expert, who asked for anonymity, told the Global Times that the stability of Myanmar, which is on China's southwestern border, is vital to China's regional economic and security interests. China often conducts preventive exercises to safeguard its national and border security. 

In April, the PLA Southern Theater Command also conducted live-fire drills on the Chinese side of the China-Myanmar border. 

Tian Junli, a spokesperson at the theater command, said in a statement that the command has been prepared at all times to respond to various emergencies and is committed to safeguarding national sovereignty and border stability.
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