
Firefighter to the rescue! And don't mind the facial mask

知识jxlux2024-09-24 22:28:37A+A-
A video clip of a firefighter coming back from a rescue scene with a dried-up facial mask on his <strong></strong>face has gone viral on the internet recently. Photo: screenshot from Sina Weibo.

A video clip of a firefighter coming back from a rescue scene with a dried-up facial mask on his face has gone viral on the internet recently. Photo: screenshot from Sina Weibo.

A video clip of a firefighter coming back from a rescue scene with a dried-up facial mask on his face from Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality has gone viral on the internet recently. 

It turned out that he had just applied the washable facial mask on his face before the alert bell rang and he received the order to immediately go to a rescue scene at around 10 pm when he was about to rest.

Having no time to wash it off, he had to set out to the site, looking like a "white ghost." 

Many netizens on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo paid tribute to the young firefighter who is dedicated to saving people's lives. 

Others praised him for being so good-looking even with the mask on that they gave him a nickname, the "exquisite fireman."

Global Times
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