
'Monkey King' breaks into 30

探索jwog2024-09-24 22:36:15A+A-
A monkey from the Qianling Mountain in Southwest China's Guizhou Province has broken into a 30-story-high building,<strong></strong> looted an apartment, and threatened a girl and her dog. Photo: courtesy of Sina Weibo blogger Faye

A monkey from the Qianling Mountain in Southwest China's Guizhou Province has broken into a 30-story-high building, "looted" an apartment, and "threatened" a girl and her dog. Photo: courtesy of Sina Weibo blogger Faye

A monkey from the Qianling Mountain in Southwest China's Guizhou Province has gained overnight fame after breaking into an apartment on the 30th floor of a residential building, and reportedly "threatened" the female resident as well as her dog.  

The footage of the monkey looting the house was posted on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo by Faye, a young female blogger living in Guiyang, capital city of Guizhou. 

"I was sleeping when I heard noises outside. At first I thought it was only my cat and dog fighting, but then the noises got louder," she said. 

As she rushed out of her room, she was stunned to see a monkey, creating a huge mess in the living room. Terrified, she locked the monkey in the kitchen, but it kept on punching and kicking at the kitchen door. The monkey finally escaped through a pipe, holding the dog's toy in his hands. 

Staff from local animal protection department said that the monkey was a national second-class protected animal. Given that there are too many monkeys in the area and they are extremely skilled at climbing, it is very hard to control them, a staffer said.

Global Times
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