
Woman punished for shooting lovey

焦点efhsh2024-09-24 22:32:58A+A-

Woman punished for shooting lovey-dovey video on e-bike without helmet. Photo: screenshot from Sina Weibo.

Woman punished for shooting lovey-dovey video on e-bike without helmet. Photo: screenshot from Sina Weibo.


A woman shooting a lovey-dovey video of herself on an electric bicycle with her significant other and claiming she would rather smile on an e-bike than cry in a BMW car found herself not laughing any more after the police punished her for not wearing a helmet. The incident took place in East China's Zhejiang Province.

Shortly after posting the video, netizens spotted the absence of the helmets and reported them to the local police for violating traffic laws. 

Apart from not wearing the helmet, the vlogger and her boyfriend also broke the traffic laws which stipulate that only passengers under 12 years old can be carried on the backseat of an electric bicycle. 

The couple were found and punished by the police. The vlogger apologized, saying that she regretted her actions and promised not to do that again. 

Global Times

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