
Good work culture

百科r2024-09-25 00:42:33A+A-
Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

"Everybody works overtime is the real working overtime, and working overtime is really good"; "Working overtime in daytime does not make me sleepy. Working late at night, I don't need to sleep anymore"... These are just some slogans found hanging at an internet company in Jinan, East China's Shandong Province that recently went viral. There are many discussions about the culture of encouraged overtime, and most of them are critical voices. However, it is worth noting that not working overtime is not to encourage employees to mess around. This week, Gome, a Chinese electrical appliance retail giant, issued a notice banning its employees from engaging in non-work-related activities in its office areas, such as playing computer games, chatting online, and listening to music. Many people think that such behavior should not be encouraged. Only by doing jobs well and efficiently can companies create a good work culture.
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