Production base of Chinese vaccines around the world

当前位置: 主页 >百科 > 正文作者: 百科<发布时间: 2024-09-24 20:24:06
China is <strong></strong>issuing more licenses to its global partners to locally produce Chinese-developed vaccines. Licensing enables overseas partners to secure fast access to vaccines, and sometimes boosts them to become a supply center in their own region and beyond, proof of China's commitment in promoting vaccine accessibility, analysts said. Editor: Hu Yuwei, Yang Ruoyu, Tu Jiayu(intern)/GT Graphic: Xu Zihe/GT

China is issuing more licenses to its global partners to locally produce Chinese-developed vaccines. Licensing enables overseas partners to secure fast access to vaccines, and sometimes boosts them to become a supply center in their own region and beyond, proof of China's commitment in promoting vaccine accessibility, analysts said. Editor: Hu Yuwei, Yang Ruoyu, Tu Jiayu(intern)/GT Graphic: Xu Zihe/GT