刚柔相济网>焦点>Drone Destroyed Over Moscow Region

Drone Destroyed Over Moscow Region

时间:2024-09-24 14:23:00 焦点
Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said early Thursday that Russia's air defense systems destroyed a drone flying toward Moscow over the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region.

"Today, air defense forces destroyed a drone flying in the direction of Moscow. According to preliminary information, there are no casualties or destruction," Sobyanin said on Telegram.

He added that emergency services were working on site.

According to Russia's Ministry of Defense, aircraft-type drone was downed over the Voskresensky District in the Moscow Region.

"On the morning of August 31 Moscow time, another terrorist attack by the Kiev regime with the use of aircraft-type UAVs against objects in Russia was thwarted. Air defense on duty destroyed an unmanned aerial vehicle over the territory of the Voskresensky District of the Moscow region," the ministry said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Vnukovo Airport announced on Thursday that it had introduced flight restrictions and redirected some flights to other air harbors for safety reasons.

"For reasons beyond the control of the airport, Vnukovo introduced temporary restrictions on the reception and release of aircraft. For security reasons, from 05:21 a.m. [Moscow time, 02:31 GMT], some flights were redirected to other air harbors," the airport said in a statement.

On August 30, several Russian areas experienced drone attacks, including Moscow suburbs and the Pskov Region, where the drone attack resulted in fire at the Pskov airport.